


variations woodcuts series

The "VARIATIONS" woodcuts are a series juxtaposing the jazz bassist Charles Mingus with the early hominid referred to as Pithecanthropus erectus. I researched my drawings at the Library of Congress, in discussions with paleoanthropologist Rick Potts, in the scientific illustrations of artist John Gurche, in biographies of Mingus, and in a musical work by Mingus entitled “Pithecanthropus erectus.”




Toscana monoprints


"The Toscana monoprints" are a series directly based on drawings I did on site in Tuscany, Italy, studying the charactistics of that country that draw me so close to it. In both "VARIATIONS" and "Toscana" I made the paper expressly for the series.





The Grotte prints



"The Grotte prints" are an ongoing series of line images I have worked on when in Fabriano, Italy, where my fascination with caves first took root. They are drawn from memories of walks within the caves of Frasassi. The BAT prints of the etchings are printed by artist Roberto Stelluti in his studio in Fabriano.



Frassasi cave prints

Frasassi Cave Prints

The "Frassasi cave prints" large linocuts are printed on pulp painted paper. They are inspired by the bubbly lustrous curvaceous blobs that form on giant, ancient stalagmites as water droplets flow over them.